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Chapter 1: English speech for monitor campaign

Dear teachers, dear students:

Good morning, everyone!

I am very honored to stand here today the election monitor, the ancients said: "Qunlong no song." My goal is to become the chief of the class.

Is a big tree, it is necessary to grow lush; flowers, it is necessary to open brightly; is the squad leader, it is necessary to play a leading role.

I ran for the monitor because I grew up with good management skills. From the first grade, I knew I had to tidy up my room and put everything in order. When mom and dad's shop is busy, I go to help. Sometimes, like an adult to assign work to everyone, business is a decline, the people are praised me badly.

And my brain moves very fast. As soon as the problem arises, my mind turns and the answer is clear. Then arrange it.

At the same time, I have been a monitor for many years. I am a veteran and experienced. Can better maintain the order of the class, better lead class, management class.

If I have the honor to be the monitor, I will let everyone see a new me, a responsible me, a forward in the progress of me, a forward in my courage. I will manage the class with the best attitude, and face the students with the spirit of the full, help the students, but also enhance their learning. Let us find the pleasure in learning, in the collective mutual aid.

Of course, I will also carry out all kinds of colorful team activities under the leadership of the teachers, and let the team activities become the stage for us to show our best selves. And, I will be a good teacher's little assistant, for students to solve problems, and actively participate in activities and activities of the planning. I have also done better to accomplish the task my teacher taught me. It is my duty.

If elected, I will not be discouraged, this shows that I still have some shortcomings, I will continue to improve myself.

I believe that in our efforts, we can make the class have a better glorious history, so that the class has a better primary school life, can make their own proud primary school life. I hope you can cast a sacred and precious vote for me. Thank you all!

Article two: running for class leader English speech

Dear teachers, dear classmates:

Hello, I am very excited and honored to be here today as a candidate for the monitor. I participate in this campaign, in order to better improve our class, our class, but also the development of their ability to exercise their courage. Of course, it's also a proud thing to hang a monitor on your left arm.

I believe I have the ability to be a good squad leader, because I have been the monitor of this class since grade two, and I have been rated as an excellent student cadre, with some managerial experience. I have a strong collective sense of honor, when class honors, I will be very happy, will lead you to do well in class; on the one hand, or not to get a good ranking, I'll find the reasons, and everyone, and for this reason to correct, and strive to do better.

If you choose me as the monitor, I will try my best to help students, when students have difficulties in learning, I will help him; when there are conflicts, I will resolve contradictions, coddled, make them shake hands; cleaning, I will let the students play fast. Interesting, efficient and complete the work task; class class, I will come up with some fun games, let everyone have fun; in my spare time, I will organize everyone to a fun place to engage in some interesting activities, to enrich your life. If I lose the election, I will not be discouraged, I will strive for the class to do good things, as a good squad leader's assistant. Of course, people have advantages, but also shortcomings, and sometimes I will be a little careless, a little bit angry, but I believe I can correct.

Students, please vote for me that sacred vote, although I am not the best, but in the future, I must be the best!

My speech is over, thank you all!

一、结构的含义和作用1 掌握结构的含义应用文的结构,是运用材料以表现主题的有序安排,是客观事物条理性在文章中的反映,为文章的组织形式和内部构造。文章的结构具有两作文素材积累
书信是人们交流思想感情、互通信息的一种应用文体,一般书信的写法。它通过邮寄或传送等方式递送到对方 手中。尽管当今电讯越来越发展,但书信仍然是人们日常生活、工作中作文素材积累
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